Episode 10 - Cold and Drunk Double Feature!

A Comedy of Danger- The Columbia Workshop - 1936

A Matter of Husbands - by Ferenc Molnar - 1923

For the second episode of our ongoing series called Cold and Drunk we take a group of inebriated actors and throw a new (to their eyes) script and listen as they attempt to do a cold and unrehearsed performance of this story while they happen to also be drunk.

Things can get sloppy and unpredictable during a normal “cold” reading of a play….but let’s add some booze into the mix….

This week we mount a double feature that includes first a production of a radio play from 1936 entitled A Comedy of Danger. Originally airing on the program called The Columbia Workshop. Following this we have a production of a one act from 1923 by Ferenc Molnar entitled A Matter of Husbands.

Grab a drink and join us as we stumble through these plays!


A Comedy of Danger


Katie Watkins as Mary

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Devon Redmond as Bax

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Jim Vadala as Jack

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A Matter of Husbands


Natalie Mecham as Earnest Young Woman

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Katie Watkins as Famous Actress

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Episode 11 - The Adaptation Process Continues


Episode 09 - Theatron Presents